Now that RI Department of Education (RIDE) has rolled out the new Professional Development (PD) requirement, we hope to work with our Art Educators to share and understand the new specifications. However, we can only anticipate your questions to a degree. We will do our best to answer them and/or point you in the right direction. We don’t pretend to be experts, but we hope to help by sharing in the process. As always, please refer to your district for final approvals.
Basic advice is to document, document, document. Keep good notes and have an action plan for application. As teachers, we are reflective, lifelong learners. Ask yourself, how did the PD apply or not apply? As Art Educators, we are the best at critiquing, so analyze the PD and have high standards! Click here for an example template that you can use for documentation. Feel free to copy the template and share it!
Here are some questions that we have encountered:
Is a museum visit appropriate for a PD? Yes! Keep notes as it connects to improving or enhancing your curriculum, effectiveness, and/or pedagogy. Moving forward, what is your action plan for application? Our District, Cumberland Public Schools, did a PD at Worcester Art Museum that was rich with STEAM content. Tara Villanova, Art Educator, and I are our District’s PD Coordinators for Visual Art, K-8. We had specific goals that WAM met. Other museums, such as the Newport Art Museum has reached out to find Art Educators and meet their specific PD needs. If you are interested, contact:
Cristin Searles Bilodeau
Director of Visitor Services and Community
Newport Art Museum
76 Bellevue Avenue
Newport, RI 02840
401-848-8200 X7985
How do we calculate our PLU credits?
1. 1 hr. of professional development = 1 PLU
1 college credit = 15 PLU’s
Is there a point of contact at RIDE for Visual Art Education?
No, there is no Visual Art point of contact at RIDE for PLU’s. However, there is a guide RIDE Guide for PLU’s (for educators whose license expires in 2020). Additionally, there is a RIDE general point of contact:
Steven LaBounty-McNair, Ed.D. | Pronouns: he / him / his
Education Specialist, Office of Educator Excellence and Certification Services
Rhode Island Department of Elementary & Secondary Education
255 Westminster Street Providence, RI 02903
(401) 222-8174 |
Our question for you:
Would you like to have RIAEA do an info session on PLU’s with sharing performed in person? If this interests you, please contact me, Carolyn M. Dooley,
Newport Art Museum Professional Development planning
Cristin Searles would like to develop a PD for Art Educators focusing on VTS, please let me know if you are interested|
PLU Visit: 2018-19 Teacher of the Year, Susan Morgan
Susan Morgan is the 2019 Warwick Teacher of the Year. Visual Arts & Technology Teacher at Winman Middle School
Will tour her classroom on Wednesday, 13 November 2016 & report to RIAEA
If you are not familiar with her work, see link for RI Commissioner’s Report blog: "STEAM ahead" by S.Morgan Commissioner's Report Blog
Teachers’ Lounges PD at RISD Museum
See RISD Museum for sessions
Typically four sessions per school year with a summer program that is several days
Doing History as Reparative Work using Material and Visual Culture, December 6, 2018 / 4-6:30 pm
Organized by Mariani Lefas-Tetenes, Museum Educator, RISD Art Museum
BSA Merit Badge College hosted by RIC, Saturday, 4 January 2020
If you would like to help, please contact
Carolyn Dooley, Art Teacher,
Joseph DelPonte, Chairman, Narragansett Council Merit Badge College Committee,
Tom Tenerowicz, Associate Dean, The College of Merit Badge Knowledge,
RIAEA Professional Development Coordinator
Serve as the Rhode Island Art Education Association (RIAEA) Professional Development Coordinator on issues related to organization of opportunities for professional growth ● Communicate, educate, and advocate for the increased learning of 21st century visual arts skills and pedagogy ● Facilitate and collaborate, with interested parties, toward the integration of 21st century skills and pedagogy in classrooms and curriculum.
Professional Development
PLUs and More...
Information for RIAEA Members
Carolyn Dooley - RIAEA Professional Development Coordinator